Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Help Keep Killer of P.O. James Holmes In Prison

Help Keep Killer of P.O. James Holmes In Prison

Help keep cop-killer Alexander Evans, DIN #87A5661, in prison for life for the 1986 murder of New York City Housing P.O. James Holmes. Please help us oppose parole by sending a letter to Marlene Brooks, Supervising Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator, Otisville Correctional Facility, 57 Sanitorium Avenue, Otisville, NY 10963 (email [email protected] ) no later than January 15, 2021. We have included a sample letter below.




Ms. Marlene Brooks

Supervising Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator

Otisville Correctional Facility

57 Sanitorium Avenue

Otisville, NY 10963


Re: Alexander Evans, DIN # 87A5661


Dear Ms. Brooks:


At approximately 10:15 p.m. on March 23, 1986, off-duty Police Officer James Holmes was visiting a friend at 361 Livonia Avenue in Brooklyn when he was approached by Alexander Evans who attempted to rob him. When Holmes resisted, the perpetrator knocked him unconscious. Evans then stole Holmes’ firearm and, at first, started to flee, but returned to the Officer and shot Holmes multiple times in the chest and stomach with the Officer’s own firearm.


A short time later, Holmes was pronounced dead at nearby Brookdale Hospital. He had served the Housing Police Authority of the City of New York for 17 years and was assigned to Service Area #3. He was survived by a wife and four children.


At the time he executed Officer Holmes, Evans was on probation from a 1984 robbery conviction. He told his Probation Officer that he “might be” wanted for killing a Police Officer, and was arrested. He was tried and convicted of Murder in the Second Degree, First Degree Robbery, and Second Degree Criminal Possession of a Weapon.


Evans is currently being housed at Otisville Correctional Center and is seeking parole. This is an affront to law abiding citizens everywhere. At the time of the killing of Officer Holmes, not only was Evans an established thief and a thug, but he returned to the defenseless body of the unconscious cop to kill Holmes in a pre-meditated act of murder.


I urge the Parole Division of the State of New York to deny any parole petition for this perpetrator. This criminal lost his right to freedom many years ago. Let justice be served by keeping Alexander Evans in prison for life.





