Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Michael Palladino on WOR-AM (Radio) – New York, NY

Michael Palladino on WOR-AM (Radio) – New York, NY

Michael Palladino on WOR-AM (Radio) – New York, NY

WOR 1/9/2015 3:03:54 AM: …rest for GW why the drop in overall crime as city officials wondering where the police officers upset with the Mir the Lazio our strategic missile there was no war torn down that sanctions were encouraged by the end Michael Palladino was for that and of the detectives and other missiles the future Seoul Just what is going on and what in the Seine do well but those are the questions that for now have nowhere suits Apple one Police Plaza of and that’s the whole next levy on New York’s use 7 10 W or police in New Milford New Jersey are investigating after for all that and killed a 7 year-old boy when tennis friend Macy’s says read in Jordan was playing with the sar Gabon your table stored vertically on aid to a while when 100 and eat £ bench for out hitting him in head on the current report you’re worried about 188 Iran Iraq war and which are calling from the court this happen Wednesday night Deborah quickest the elementary School during a recreation soccer program Apple is his lovers are quoting the team started performing 8 Eddie Jordan was the pronounced dead at the hands of an investigation is underway to see if the parents were secure United airlines kids do sit tight grip I knew where to get the board than any W L R whether to laugh or destiny of one minute how easily it could already be having an effect on their teenagers as a new survey of the men they are reviewing aid to was almost half of the eighties Putin denied boardings and observed during last we’re talking about winning buzzing in many years might be presented TNCs had far the bureaucrats and many admit quaking up the vine am on their favorite knees sector to New year’s resolutions every year many that Of what once were far away and her off losing weight gain feared and quitting smoking university’s rented a psychology professor Dr John Or crust for the return of Americans will pick resolution the end every year between the and the high and new lovers the ball out of Newark has says you’re more likely to succeed if you set a reasonable achievable goals like losing 10 pounds even a few one of those 58 and then taking it from there I’m Syria that has led WR news China’s to Rio for the FAA as opposing new rules of the missing United airlines new monopoly and Newark Liberty airport United flies to more than in any other that’s certainly true of nuclear war United …

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