Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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New Regulations Regarding Vehicle Pursuits

New Regulations Regarding Vehicle Pursuits

The Police Department issued a new 11-page Patrol Guide Order (P.G. 221-15) — “Vehicle Pursuits and Various Patrol Guide and Organization Guide Procedures” — in order to cut down on unnecessary car chases, since several recent high speed chases have resulted in crashes and pedestrian deaths. Therefore, effective February 1, 2025, these new guidelines are in place, prohibiting vehicle pursuits when there is only a traffic infraction, violation, or non-violent misdemeanor involved. Click on the link below to access the new Order to be able to make the proper judgement as to when to pursue a perpetrator at a potentially dangerous, high rate of speed.

Vehicle Pursuits NEW 2025
