Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Pension Enhancements Proposed for Tier 2-A & Tier 3 Members

Pension Enhancements Proposed for Tier 2-A & Tier 3 Members

DEA President Scott Munro has been having discussions with NYS Governor Hochul (who visited the DEA building on August 8, 2024). The meeting regarded changes to Tier 2-A pensions. Currently, NYPD Officers assigned in year 2000 and afterward are under Tier 2-A, and must retire with a pension calculated based upon their best year; but we are working to have this changed to include the option of retiring with the average of a member’s best three years. Bill S. 6290-A to support us has been introduced by NYS Senators Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, Iwen Chu, and Bill Weber.

We have also made significant progress on several other pension-related priorities, including the 20-year service retirement and prior service credit buybacks for Tier 3 members, and we will continue fighting for these priorities in both the State Capitol and City Hall. The DEA has also been actively pursuing legislation calling for similar increases in Detectives’ pension calculations based on grade increases. Retention of experienced Detectives is essential to solving crimes and the protection of the City. Enhanced pension benefits for our members will keep Detectives on the job.

Additionally, the DEA, SBA, and LBA introduced a bill to further increase pension benefits.

The DEA, SBA, and LBA have put forth legislation to increase financial pension benefits for our Detectives, also in an effort to retain our most experienced and knowledgeable members. Under this proposed bill, members would receive a pro rata increase in their pensions, the amount of which would depend on their years of service at their retirement, with an automatic pension increase in their 25th, 30th, and/or 35th year, respectively. The additional money members would receive essentially acts as a retention bonus, providing incentive for members to stay on the job as long as possible. Bill A. 5202B, introduced by NYS Assembly member Stacey Pheffer-Amato, and/or Bill S. 9663, introduced by State Senator Robert Jackson supports us. We will keep you apprised.



RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance