Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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The WTC Victim Compensation Fund Update

The WTC Victim Compensation Fund Update

The National Institute of Health has linked more than 65 cancers to the toxic dust resulting from the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and the related rescue and recovery efforts which began in 2001.  The most common cancers linked to the WTC by the NIH are cancers of the lungs, esophagus, kidneys, prostate, lymphoma, leukemia, and thyroid.  If you (or anyone you know) was in New York City after the 9/11 attacks and have been diagnosed with any of the 67 WTC-linked cancers, there is a presumption by the NIH that your cancer was caused by the toxic dust.


Additionally, the WTC Victim Compensation Fund has released new guidance on deadlines to file a claim for compensation. Whereas the previous two-year deadline began to accrue on the date of diagnosis, the new two-year deadline begins to accrue on the date claimants are informed their condition is related to 9/11.  In practice, this means that if a claimant is diagnosed with cancer in 2009, and later, in 2016 the World Trade Center Health Program certifies the condition as being related to 9/11, then the claimant has until 2018 to file. In the past, despite finding a causal connection in 2016, the claimant would be time-barred. This is a major game-changer for individuals exposed to 9/11 toxins.


For more information, consult Pitta Giblin & Baione LLP at 212-658-1766 or visit their website at —


Or Retired NYPD & NYS Paramedic Matthew J. McCauley, partner at Turken, Heath & McCauley, LLP at (914) 343-5251 cell or (914) 363-6355 direct & Fax or visit their website at —

