Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Secial Prosecutor Meeting

Secial Prosecutor Meeting

On Wednesday, September 16th, DEA President Michael Palladino and DEA General Counsel Philip Karasyk joined union law enforcement reps from the AFL-CIO in a meeting with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The purpose of the meeting was to get some clarification on the Governor’s new Executive Order giving the Attorney General Special Prosecutors powers in police cases where an unarmed civilian is killed.


Statement from Michael J. Palladino, President of the Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. & the New York State Association of PBAs with regard to the Governor’s appointment of a Special Prosecutor to handle police-involved shootings which result in a subject’s death:

“Based on the Governor’s own admission, the problem he is addressing is perceived and not even real, therefore, his reason to invoke a ‘blanket policy’ for a Special Prosecutor is flawed. The Governor already possesses the power under the Executive Law to appoint a Special Prosecutor where he feels an injustice has occurred. He obviously felt no injustice occurred in the Garner case.”
