Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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To DEA Members & the Delegate Body Regarding the June 9th Press Conference

To DEA Members & the Delegate Body Regarding the June 9th Press Conference

To DEA Members and the Delegate Body:

The DEA thanks you for joining your brothers and sisters in blue today — Tuesday, June 9, 2020 — as we came together to denounce proposed anti-police legislation. The false rhetoric we hear every day from elected leaders and the media must be called out. The solidarity we demonstrated with our fellow unions from across the State that represent more than 200,000 members of law enforcement sends the message that we will never back down in our fight for our rights.

During these unprecedented times, when opportunistic politicians are spewing lies about police, know that the DEA is always in your corner. Together, we will ensure the safety and rights of every Detective.

In unity there is strength.


Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers



RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance