Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Uniformed Supervisory Coalition Settlement

Uniformed Supervisory Coalition Settlement

The other seven unions in the Uniformed Supervisory Coalition ratified the agreement as follows: )1. Lieutenants Benevolent Association 72% to 28%; 2). Captains Endowment Association 61% to 39%; 3). Fire Officers Association 82% to 18%; 4). Correction Captains Association 75% to 25%; 5). Correction Wardens/Asst.Wardens 95% to 5%; 6. Sanitation Supervisors Association 61% to 39%; 7). Sanitation chiefs association 98% to 02%.   E Here’s the back story: A tentative settlement was announced on December 9th between the Uniformed Supervisory Coalition and the City of New York outlining the framework for an economic package and the DEA had until December 31 to finalize the agreement. The DEA met with the City again on December 12th in an attempt to finalize. No final agreement was made and the DEA met again on December 15. A formal negotiating session took place on Friday, November 14 and several informal discussions took place with City Labor Commissioner Robert Lin. On August 12,the Coalition’s Technical Committee met with the City’s Technical Committee to analyze values and assumptions with regards to the health savings agreement. The City was not forthcoming with enough information to proceed any further. • On June 12, 2014, eight Supervisory Uniformed Unions in police, fire, corrections, and sanitation met and established a Uniformed Supervisory Coalition and agreed to proceed as a coalition for this round of collective bargaining. We began coalition bargaining on July 2nd. The SBA participated in the discussions, but declined to join at this time.The City expressed interest in dealing with a Coalition. The City also previously offered the DEA the same pattern under the teachers’ (UFT) tentative agreement.


RIG Roundtable Dinner 2025

RIG — The Retired Investigators Guild (RIG) — is a non-profit organization of retired Investigators dedicated to providing expert assistance