Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Update as of September 10, 2021, Regarding NYPD Vaccine Mandate & Testing

Update as of September 10, 2021, Regarding NYPD Vaccine Mandate & Testing

As of the afternoon of September 10, 2021 at 15:45 hours, the Police Commissioner has informed us that there has been a change in the Department’s vaccine and testing order, originally issued on Wednesday, September 8th. Unvaccinated members of the service will no longer be required to undergo testing on their own time, but will instead be tested at the member’s command during working hours.

This important change in policy comes after constant discussion between the Police Commissioner and the police unions — and the filing of our demand for collective bargaining with the Labor Commissioner. The Police Commissioner and the Department conceded that testing will be done on the job and at no expense to the members of the service.

As we are informed, testing will be conducted in one of two ways:

The Police Department will identify the largest eight to ten commands and testing will be done in person at those commands for unvaccinated members assigned to those commands.

All other commands throughout the City will be supplied with self-testing kits and unvaccinated members will test themselves at their own commands.

This plan will begin sometime next week, so the previous start date of September 13 is no longer valid.

It is important that we protect our individual members’ rights; but it is equally important that we protect the health and safety of all of our members.

If a member is not vaccinated and refuses to be tested at his or her command, that member will be placed on leave without pay, although we hope that no one will refuse to be tested. If a member is not vaccinated and refuses to be tested, please remember this puts your fellow Detectives, co-workers, and their families at risk.

The Department will be issuing an updated order by the end of today, September 10, 2021, with the details about this new policy. Please be on the lookout for this new order.

Be advised that this policy may be subject to change, yet again, by City Hall and the Department; but rest assured that we will keep you apprised of all developments as they occur.



