The Detectives’ Endowment Association, Inc. — Representing The Greatest Detectives In the World!

Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Update on Vaccine Mandate and Reasonable Accommodations Requests as of October 26, 2021

Update on Vaccine Mandate and Reasonable Accommodations Requests as of October 26, 2021

The DEA met today with the Commissioner of the New York City Office of Labor Relations in regards to the Mayor’s reckless and irresponsible vaccine mandate. We reiterated our objections to the haphazard manner in which they plan to implement the mandate, and we specifically requested that the City extend the deadline for their policy. We raised several other issues and asked for details of several aspects of the policy, which they were unable to provide. In short, we expect to hear from Labor Relations at some point tomorrow regarding our request for an extension and the other issues we raised. Depending on the City’s response, we are prepared to take legal action in Court to protect our members’ rights. We will keep the membership informed as soon as we hear anything.

In the meantime, any member who wishes to seek a medical or religious accommodation must apply for the exemption with the NYPD Equal Employment Opportunity Division no later than October 27, 2021, in order to avoid leave without pay status on November 1st. If an unvaccinated member files an application for an accommodation on or before October 27th, he or she will continue to work, but must continue to submit their weekly negative test results as they have been doing, until such time as the application, and any appeal, is determined. Be advised that any request for an accommodation submitted after October 27th will result in the member being placed on leave without pay status pending the determination of the application, including any appeals.

The Reasonable Accommodation Application must be submitted to the EEOD along with supporting documentation from your health care provider substantiating a “documented contraindication such that an employee cannot receive any FDA-authorized vaccine.”  Thus far, such contraindications have been limited to employees who are still within the isolation period after COVID-19 infection, employees who are within 90 days of monoclonal antibody treatment of Covid-19, or employees being treated for medical conditions delineated in CDC guidelines that may warrant temporary medical exemption because of active therapy or treatment that would temporarily interfere with the patient’s ability to respond adequately to vaccination, such as stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy. Employees with documented Pericarditis or Myocarditis can also qualify for a medical exemption.  Again, this would have to be supported with documentation from your treating physician, cardiologist, or immunologist at the time the application is submitted.  For your convenience, the DEA has posted the Reasonable Accommodation Application below and also on the DEA website under Member Forms.

Updated NYPD COVID-19 Reasonable Accommodations Form

 We are also including the following links to the United States EEOC technical assistance relating to submitting a religious accommodations request.

To reiterate, any member who wishes to seek a medical or religious accommodation must apply for the exemption with the NYPD Equal Employment Opportunity Division no later than October 27, 2021, in order to avoid leave without pay status on November 1st. Members can contact EEOD at (646) 610-5072 or [email protected]

The situation seems to be changing by the minute, so we will be sending further updates as they occur. Please stand by. Thank you for your attention, and for your hard work and dedication.

Paul DiGiacomo &

The DEA Board of Officers