Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Urgent Message

Urgent Message

As we are all well aware, police in New York City and across the country are under attack, both physically and by elected officials. Our work to keep people safe – at any cost – is being drowned out by calls to defund police departments and arrest officers based on a few seconds of video on social media. There is ZERO BACKING for the men and women in blue by our elected officials. Their decisions are based on appeasing the loudest anti-police protestors instead of fact.

It is time now to make sure our careers and families are protected. The DEA strongly urges you to have the least amount of interaction with the public that is necessary to fulfill your official duties. Keep yourself and your fellow cops safe – but know that there is no support at the highest levels of city political leadership. Your actions will be scrutinized publicly by those who pretend to lead this city, your job is at risk, and criminal charges are possible.

In this current anti-police climate when officers are being attacked and arrested for defending themselves, we need to look out for one another. We must reassess how we police New York City and the life and death risks we take every day in order to keep people safe.

As politicians speak out of both sides of their mouths and offer no solutions, please know that the DEA is ALWAYS in your corner. We will continue to fight for your rights at every turn. We will provide new information and direction as soon as it is available. In unity there is strength.


Paul DiGiacomo, President, and the DEA Board of Officers
