Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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Related Charities

These following charities are related to the Detectives’ Endowment Association. Please click below for information about each charity, and how to support it.

The DEA’s Support Fund is a supplemental account maintained by the union to handle any unforeseen emergencies that may arise. This may include such necessities as the purchase of additional health benefits for our members. The Fund may be utilized for something as singular as a piece of medical equipment, or for something as large and continuing as catastrophic medical bills for a Detective, his or her spouse, or child in dire physical condition. Personal and family crises, cancer cases, exorbitant prescription drugs, and other unforeseen necessities and emergencies above and beyond the realm of current health benefits or other insurance coverage, has driven home the importance to the union of having our Support Fund. This became particularly apparent after the events of 9/11. We’re painfully aware that there are many medical ramifications resulting from the rescue and recovery work performed by our Detectives during and after the World Trade Center attacks. It’s been critically important that we’ve been able to assist our membership in this unique health crisis. Our brave first responders never hesitate to put themselves in harm’s way: and it’s the Union’s desire to support such selfless duty. Our members know the DEA is always there for them in their time of need. Our many heartfelt thanks go to all those who contribute to our Funds. We appreciate your concern for the hardworking men and women of the New York Police Department who proudly wear the Detective’s gold shield. Donations to the DEA’s Support Fund can be made payable to the Fund and sent to the DEA, 26 Thomas Street, New York, New York 10007.

The DEA maintains a not-for-profit charitable Fund – the DEA Widows’ and Children’s Fund – which originated to help support the families of those who died in the line of duty. The concept of this Fund dates back to the founding of the Union in 1917, at a time when the widows and children of slain Police Officers received very little assistance, and it was up to the Officer’s colleagues to look after the welfare of the families of their fallen brothers and sisters. That protective spirit, bond, fraternity, and brotherhood still exists today amongst the members of New York’s Finest.

Click on the link for a full description of the Fund.

2024 Description Widows’ & Children’s Fund

The Community Mayors of NY/NJ, which the DEA has been involved with for many years, is looking for volunteers. The Community Mayors assists children with special needs, and their motto is, “No one is so tall as when they stoop to help a handicapped child.”
Updates can be found at their website at
The spring season of hosting children with disabilities and special needs is slated as follows:

  • April 25 — St. John’s Athletes and Kids (Rain or Shine)
  • April 30 — Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum (Rain or Shine) – pick up volunteer parking pass out front and across the street, traveling north and south)
  • May 4 — Earth Day Conference House, Staten Island w/ Poly Prep (40 kids)
  • May 10 — Prospect Park Zoo and Carousel
  • May 16 — Deno’s Wonder Wheel
  • May 23 — Luna Park
  • May 30 — Adventures’ Family Entertainment
  • Check under “Kids Events” listed on the website.
  • Volunteers should arrive at all venues by 8:30 – 9:00 a.m.
  • Call (908) 268-9016 for more information or to volunteer.

A number of families of members of the service who died from cancers related to their work on the rescue and recovery from the World Trade Center attacks of 2001 have created an organization called HOPS — Helping Our Post 9/11 Survivors.

The HOPS mission is to create charitable events for NYPD 9/11 First Responders and to sew charity quilts for families of the deceased.

Visit their website at —
Mission Statement

HOPS members can be reached at [email protected]
Or by writing to …
HOPS Box 1062
224-21 Merrick Boulevard
Laurelton, NY 11413

The Gary Sinise Foundation has started the Snowball Express, a resource for line of duty families of first responders who served on or after 9/11/01. They offer virtual gatherings, community events, empowerment workshops, and other networking advantages. PSOB documentation is required for enrollment. Click on the following pdf link for more information.

Mission Statement

The Tunnel 2 Towers Foundation assists first responders, including police, fire, and military, in a wide variety of ways including making homes ADA compliant and paying of mortgages for line of duty families. Click on the link below to learn more.


Founded in 1982, by Yankees’ owner George M. Steinbrenner and Olympic bronze medalist James E. Fuchs to raise funds to provide support for the children and surviving spouses of First Responders killed in the line of duty. The Foundation provides tuition assistance, tutoring services, college preparatory services, spousal education assistance, counseling and bereavement services, as well as health and wellness services, and other outreach for line of duty families. For more information about the Silver Shield Foundation, visit their website at

The New York City Police Foundation was established in 1971 as an independent, non-profit organization to promote excellence in police work and assist the New York Police Department in a myriad of ways. For more than 50 years, the Foundation has funded countless initiatives that help safeguard the City. They honor excellence in police work, fund and develop programs that prevent violent crime and thwart terrorism, work to enhance and improve police leadership, wellness, and training, and they champion new technologies that serve to protect both the public and the police. They were instrumental in the development of our Brian Simonsen protective vests. For more information, click on the following link: