Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. — Scott Munro, President
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10-13 for Active Det. Keith Dsouza

10-13 for Active Det. Keith Dsouza

Det. Keith Dsouza of the Force Investigation Division is battling stage three breast cancer and lymphoma. At this time of mounting medical expenses, his colleagues in the NYPD have organized a “Fund the First” campaign to raise funds to assist this intrepid Detective and his family, including his three children, at this precarious time. Anything you can contribute will be greatly appreciated. Click on the link below to access the donation page.

There will also be an event to raise funds for the Dsouza family on February 10, 2022, starting at 18:30 hours at Mulcahy’s Pub in Wantagh, New York. Tickets are $65 in advance and $75 at the door. Click on the pdf link below to access the event flyer for detailed information.

DET DSOUZA 10-13 Feb 10 Party Flyer